The President spoke about Charlottesville, VA . . . now it’s my turn


In Charlottesville, VA this past weekend, intolerance took control of the hearts and minds of the participants on ALL sides. It’s always been there and the white separatists are partially at blame in this case, but NOT, as the media wants you to believe, totally to blame. These KKK, Neo-Nazi and etc. organizations are indeed “hate” groups but they came to stage a Constitutionally protected and state sanctioned legal protest, as is their right to do. The protest was purportedly against the planned removal of a Confederate War Memorial statue but possibly they came just to stir up the hate groups on the Left they knew would come to challenge them and start trouble. They received permission from the city of Charlotteville to hold their protest . . . but then, sure enough, the troublemakers, the instigators of violence on the Left showed up uninvited.

Granted, this country should have very little tolerance for ANY organizations or groups that promote hatred, but that includes groups not only from the far Right but also from the far Left. The media, of course, makes very little mention of the fact that this was a legal and sanctioned peaceful protest on the part of the white separatist organizations, and it could have been just that, a peaceful protest; but it appears that there are many Americans on the Left who feel that the Constitutional Rights granted under the First Amendment, the right of “freedom of speech” and the “right of the people peaceably to assemble” should not apply to these organizations.

Many ‘counter-protest’ groups arrived (notably, because they are “Lefties” they remain unnamed in the media) apparently for the sole purpose of denying the free speech of the protesters. One ‘black separatist’ organization, BLM, named itself by carrying it’s banner. They had no legal right to be there protesting on that day, they arrived only to stir up trouble.

The lack of tolerance among Americans (and others) is a disease with no real cure. It seems that a basic tenant of humanity is believing you are right, defending that belief, and never admitting you are wrong; even if you are proven wrong and know it . . . all in the name of an ignorant, misplaced pride.

You might have noticed that the Left continues to blame hatred, violence, prejudice, poverty, and even North Korea on President Donald Trump.

Donald Trump was not elected president to champion political correctness, to kiss the posteriors of those on he Left, or to make nice with the media. He was elected president because he spoke clearly and told American citizens what is wrong with: this country’s economy; it’s infrastructure; it’s lack of security; it’s deteriorating cities, and it’s weakened military. By doing this, he clearly defined the damage that Liberalism has caused and continues to cause this country, especially during the rein of President Obama, who clearly hated the United States and what it traditionally stood for. The American people heard Donald Trump speak and clearly agreed with him. In spite of the many misstatements and outright lies you read in the Washington Post and New York Times, I firmly believe that the American people still do agree with Donald Trump.

The glaring fact that the Democratic Party is attempting to block everything that Donald Trump tries to do to keep his promises is not lost to the American people, and if there is any justice left in our political system, the Democratic Party will begin to pay for their lies, dirty deeds, and intransigence during the next midterm elections.


Is President Trump too “Thin-Skinned”


Most people would probably say ‘Yes!’ he whines too much about the media — but given a second thought it’s hard to blame  him.


How would you, ‘Joe or Jane Citizen’, feel if your local newspaper started a campaign of half-truths, distortions, and innuendos just short of outright lies in an attempt to destroy your image and your credibility, and taint your family’s or businesses’ name. I don’t know about you Jane and Joe but I would be mad as Hell and tell everyone I could that the local news was filled with “lies”.

In his speech to CPAC this week, Trump hit the nail right on the head when he complained about anonymous sources as the basis for most of the reporting from media organizations such as CNN, the Washington Post and the font of all the anti-Trump rhetoric “fit to print”, the New York Times. Trump’s response to this situation was “tell me to my face” (not through some questionable anonymous source).

I’m well aware that anonymous sources are traditionally considered “needed” in the news reporting business but, freedom of the press aside, there should be some control over the ‘leaked’ information when it is used as a bludgeon against an individual. Just as the accused has the right to confront his or her accuser in a court of law, the same or a very close standard should be in place in the ‘Court of Public Opinion.”

An unfounded rumor can ruin any American’s family life, business, and finances.


Colorado GOP Debate: Winners and Whiners


The Republican National Committee is being criticized by Conservatives competing for the presidential nomination because they allow obviously anti-Republican media organizations (CNBC and CNN) to organize and moderate their debates.

Yes, the questions were full of Liberal bias; and Yes, they were at times rude as well as stupid; and Yes, most of the questions, as asked, never really touched on most of the major issues facing the country. This perhaps should not have been expected from a professional media organization, but it was what it was!

The candidates debate and post-debate reactions, however, should not have been to whine and complain like school children after a difficult test. These guys, and this lady, are competing for the what was, before Obama, the most prestigious political office in the world. If any one of them can’t handle the kind of highly-biased, outrageously unprofessional questions supplied by CNBC, that person should seriously consider dropping out of the race before they waste any more of their, or their contributor’s, money.

The RNC, perhaps unwittingly, did the potential voters (and the candidates themselves) a favor by allowing us to see how they react to uncomfortable and hostile questioning. The winners are the candidates who made the best of a bad thing; those who were able to turn bad questions into quality policy statements.

The biggest losers are the one’s who complained the loudest, primarily Ted Cruz and Chris Christie. To me, personally, the fact that Ted Cruz chose to spend any debate time whining, rather than making the best of his opportunity to elaborate on his approach to an important issue, is most disappointing. Cruz, IMO, is one of the three candidates who would make the best, most successful president in 2016 and beyond.

Nothing wrong with voicing your displeasure over the situation, but doing that too obtrusively just gives ammunition to the opposition; and they will use it just like I did at the beginning of this post when I likened the candidates’ reactions to the whining and complaining of “school children after a difficult test.”

Truth is, ANY of the candidates on that stage in Colorado this week would undoubtedly be 300 % better for America than the man who currently works every day from the oval office to tear away another piece from the fabric of our society and from the Constitution itself.

Kim Jong Trump


I think I’m beginning to “O.D.” on Donald Trump and it is more the fault of the news media in general, and specifically the fault of “NewsMax”, then it is the fault of Donald Trump or his campaign staff. I don’t know if Trump owns a large piece of NewsMax or not, but that periodical’s major obsession with his campaign makes it seem like he is either an owner or a ‘favorite son.’

And it’s not just NewsMax!

There are constant, tiring repetitions all over the media, in word and video, of Trump’s admittedly whiny behavior. (His whining about fair treatment frankly  made me think of that immature brat that runs North Korea, Kim Jong what-his-name). Trump thinks he has the Republican party over a barrel, and maybe he does! He’s apparently still the Republican electorate’s choice in the crowded field (and he’s still my choice) but if he has me wondering about his behavior (me, an early and avid backer and big fan of his straight talking no he might be committing ‘suicide by media’.

I love what Trump has to say about Iran, Mexico, China, Obama and the many other dumb-ass professional politicians in Washington. He makes sense and his utter disdain for political correctness is like a cool breeze in this hot Summer weather. He’s the angry, fed-up voice of many millions of voters but right now it seems as if he is getting too much press coverage.