From “Big Bird” to “Binders” to “Not Optimal”


Are campaign advisors really all 12-year olds, as the Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker suggests or do they really believe that we’re that stupid?

Today we have Republicans supposedly “outraged” because President Obama joked with Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” that the deaths of four Americans at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, as responses to terrorist attacks go, was “not optimal.” Will all you outraged Republican’s please take a break, unclench and get a grip. This was the Daily Show where light and less than reverent responses are the norm. Jon Stewart led the president into the “not optimal” response by noting that the administration’s response to the attack had seemed “confused” and not “as optimal” as it could have been. This is coming from Jon Stewart who’s last truly serious moment occurred so long ago, no one remembers it, so naturally the president picked up on Stewart’s ironically understated “not as optimal” response and used it.

Just before that day (actually up to THIS day) the Democrats were pounding Mitt Romney and calling him insensitive to women because, in the last debate, he defended his attempts to get more women on his staff by noting that he had “binders full of women” to choose from. Of course he could have said that a professional recruiting firm was hired and supplied him with binders full of resumes of qualified candidates. Any reasonable person, Republican or Democrat understood right away that that was exactly what he was talking about but the again the 12-year old mentality of the political ‘spin doctor’ spun it their way. Worse yet, these juvenile minds expected us to believe them.

Has it occurred to either party that we, out here in the real world, are for the most part intelligent enough to put remarks like “not optimal” and “binders full of women” in the proper context ourselves? We all understand that these men (Obama and Romney) are imperfect human beings like the rest of us and they will say some things imperfectly from time to time so don’t insult our intelligence by trying to twist what a candidate “meant” when the actual meaning is obvious.

The VP Debate – My Thoughts


How do you successfully debate a propaganda machine? Paul Ryan found out tonight that you can’t!

How do you successfully debate a ‘grinning idiot’ that doesn’t respect the rules of debate? Paul Ryan found out tonight that you can’t.

Ryan did successfully, however, make important points that said everything that needed to be said:

= President Obama came into office with a staggering National debt and complete control of both the Senate and the House. He never even attempted to put a plan in place that would reduce that debt, instead he worked methodically to increase that debt and increase the power of the Federal Government at the expense of American taxpayers.

= Since taking office, President Obama ran with his motto: “Level the playing field for the middle class” which was not only out of place and irresponsible in that fiscal environment, it didn’t even begin to work. The middle class in America is even more poor, more dependent on government and more unemployed than it has been in many decades.

So ‘vote for us’ Joe Biden says, because we care about the middle class! They may care but they certainly didn’t do the most important thing they could have done for the middle class: put them back to work.

Vice President Joe Biden, aside from being obnoxious and disrespectful, did mount a very strong defense for his president and for his president’s actions for the last almost 4 years but that was hardly unexpected. Joe Biden is a very experienced ‘back alley’ debater and, as every VP is, he a pawn of the administration.

In the end, Paul Ryan’s twice stated point (stated twice because he was repeatedly interrupted) rang very true: ‘When you are running on a poor record all you can do is try to convince the voters that they should run away from your opponent.”

Joe Biden accomplished that vilification very well and, as result, most viewers will probably feel that Joe Biden won the debate. For the good of our country and for the future of our generation and following generations I hope those viewers also understand that, debating points aside, President Obama has failed at virtually everything he promised to do and, if reelected, he has no plans to change his failed strategy. Four more years of an Obama administration and this country may be too far behind to ever catch up.


Personally I feel that the last question — the one about the candidates abortion stands — was totally inappropriate — it should not even have been there as part of the debate. Joe Biden, however, won that point hands down and he is exactly right — a politician’s feelings about abortion should have an impact on that politicians life but should not have any effect on every woman’s clear right to control her own body.

Maybe some day it will dawn on Conservatives that their religious ideas are THEIR ideas and not those of all of the American people — and they are sworn to serve ALL of their constituents, not just the ones who attend their church.

If abortion was the only question under debate, Obama/Biden would have my vote but there were many more far-reaching and important questions being debated and on those, Obama/Biden are losers.

Someone wake up Rick Santorum!



Consider the enormity of the situation and consider the fact that Mitt Romney has the Republican nomination for President all but signed, sealed and delivered; considering those two facts one would think that Rick Santorum could stop being a pompous, pious ass long enough to throw his full support behind Mitt Romney and actively campaign for him.

But NO! Pompous, pious asses typically refuse to see beyond their own desires, prejudices and wounded pride until it’s too late.

Wake up Rick!! The future of the entire United States is at stake and that’s a hell of a lot more important than Rick Santorum’s homophobia or his interests in denying choice to pregnant women.

Lick your wounds later Rick, and by the way you too Newt — this is the most important election in either of your lifetimes — either do everything you can to help Mitt Romney win it and to preserve what’s left of our freedom or take a long vacation from public life until at least 2013.


Reuters: There’s a chill in the air as Romney, Santorum talk

Do you want Daddy Warbucks for President?


Mitt Romney has the lack of scruples, the burning desire, the money, and therefore the organization to buy the presidency and there may be no way to stop him.

But for his money, wisely used to saturate the media with masterful attack ads that feature gossip, innuendo and outright lies about his competitors, Mitt Romney would be an also ran.

He has a plastic personality highlighted by a completely insincere smile and, outside of the worlds of high-finance and Wall Street, Mitt no record of achievement. Mitt’s political experience as Governor of Massachusetts was, in the final analysis, lackluster and, in some areas a total failure. In the area of foreign policy — well, there is nothing there.

No doubt that Mitt Romney is a good family man and a kind and generous man and, did I mention, a rich man. Those are his qualifications for President of the United States.

Is that what this country needs, Daddy Warbucks as President?

Or does this country need someone who is a fighter, someone who is a visionary, someone who knows how Washington works, someone who is unpredictable enough to keep our nation’s enemies off balance?

I know who I would choose!